GDPC Task Forces

Based on the GDPC Mission, sustainability is the “lens” through which the efforts and activities of the Board, Leadership Team and Task Forces shall be focused. Achievement of the mission requires it’s active and proactive engagement in identifying, researching/analyzing and evaluation of public policy issues that materially impact sustainability in the North Texas region in particular, and the state of Texas in general.

The outcomes of these efforts will be communicated via:

  • Educational programming including membership meetings, Lunch & Learns, symposiums, workshops and more
  • White papers, position statements, resolutions
  • Interview, OpEd and other articles and publications

The Task Forces meet regularly to discuss high priority issues. Current board members undertake the challenge of chairing a Task Force. Task Force chairs draw from members and non-members to develop both programs and policy statements.

Task Force committee work can also result in membership resolutions for action submitted to the Texas Legislature, City Councils and/or the media and the general public.